Death Kitten dot Net

The current discourse over the word weird, and how it's been weaponized against the Fascists running for office here in the US, is a hard one for me.

Up front, I agree that if we have a way to deflate and defeat these assholes without spilling blood, by all means we should do that. It just would b...

I'm not sure why I didn't bother to figure this out before now, because I know it was vaguely on my to-do list... but I had my hand forced when I migrated Memory Iota, the Emperor's soft canon blog, over to Grav. While I don't expect a lot of people actually give a shit about this blog, I know I hav...

I have a pinterest board for house day dreaming. It started from a concept version of a shipping container home back before the trend kinda took over everywhere and then got push back as the fucking bougie asses jumped on tiny homes as a way to make more money, taking them out of the reach of thos...

The wise old one contacts the space cowboy. It’s about familial love. The genre/topic: dystopia. Word length: 1800.

SciFi Prompt Bot (@SciFiBotPrompt) April 2, 2019

I'm choosing to release this one with only about half the target wordcount because it's stalled out there and I'm not sure wha...

Let me start by saying I am thankful that feed2toot exists. It's a handy tool and I know I couldn't have made it myself, so thank you Carl for making it!

But getting it up and running the way I needed it to has been a wild ride for me.

I remember struggling getting it installed the first time...

Since migrating this blog over to Grav, I've gone on to move a couple of other projects over as well. The last few days I've spent editing child themes to make things look nice, cursing the people who insist on peppering their css with !important for no good reason that I can see, making my life m...

And with that, WordPress is gone from I've been playing with a test install of grav on a subdomain for a hot minute, and decided to put it into action. Still need to set up something to automagically post to Fedi when a new entry comes up, but the goal is for me to put my longer for...

We're headed into a messy election season again. Granted, saying that about a US Election in my lifetime generally makes calling it messy a bit redundant, but I'm including it for emphasis. And once again I'm seeing people talking about voting third party. I am so fucking exhausted by this. Now, let...

So, the latest in the world wide webs is that Electric Car Thomas Edison has taking hold of Twitter’s controls and pointed the nose straight for the ground. Everyone’s running around trying to communicate their evacuation points to all their friends before it gets to the point where communication is...

I have a fucking jumble in my head of so many things I need to sort through right now. So many things that frustrate me, so many things that hurt, and I feel so fucking alone.

I don’t even know where to start to untangle it. But I needed to say something. Let’s see if I can sit down later and say...

So, uh, does it mean I’m officially an Old™ when I look at this new block editing shit on my WP install, and go… I could totes do what I want with a text editor and some css, why the fuck can’t I make these stupid templates behave the way I want them to?

Or does it just mean I am not, and never wi...

So, I’ve seen a few mentions of REI attempting to bust the unionization effort of their Manhattan store. As they had previously managed to present themselves as a reasonable company (for some value of the word under our late stage capitalism), I have a co-op membership. So, as someone who is very pr...


It’s been a while since I’ve really done much art, especially the analog sort, but most of these are from the figure drawing classes I took in the early aughts, though there are a couple of things from the same time done outside of class.

Contains nudity.

A drawing of a blue nude woman with exaggerated elf ears and flame red-orange hair in a ponytail A drawing of a faceless elf with exaggerated ears, pink-purple hair, and green and brown clothes that look appropriate for adventure. ...

Oh, hey. I have a car again.

With that comes the ability to get places again, but not much of anywhere to go other than the grocery store and work right now because of covid. It also means costs — car payments, insurance, gas. I also had to move in the middle of a pandemic, so that was fun. My ren...

May 3rd, 2004. That was when I wiped the hard drive on my computer, one I’d built with the help of a coworker, installed a second drive that was bigger—a whole-ass 30GB, compared to the first which was maybe 3GB if I remember right—and installed Mandrake Linux with the help of a friend over the phon...

So, on the Discord server where I shoot the shit with a handful of friends, I was talking about how I don’t send and received snail mail anymore. Sure, I get packages when I order stuff online, and bills and donation solicitations and junk mail show up… but no personal letters anymore. I miss the jo...

I’m not gonna hold my breath that anyone’s gonna toss money my way, but figured that a ko-fi doesn’t cost me anything to set up, so I did it. It’s currently a button in the footer of my site. I’m lucky enough to have some money still coming in, though it’s nowhere near what it was since while boss i...

I decided that since I don’t even remember ever getting a comment on this blog ever, I might as well shut down the comments feature. No need to leave myself open to spammers. The only feedback I’ve ever gotten was from the single person I know who reads my posts, and he pings me in the slack we’re b...

Today I was in tears over a mobile game. It wasn’t really the game that upset me, so much as it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I feel like I’m dealing with the death by a thousand cuts—I have for a while—but due to a combination of shitty luck and personal choices, I have no real safety...

I know this is serious, COVID-19 is costing lives and it’s probably going to cost more than it should in the US due to the combination of incompetence and criminal levels of cruelty that this government exercises. The US has always been racist, it’s always been classist, it’s always been sexist… but...

I hate being called smart. Not because I believe it’s false, not out any sort of modesty, but because of what usually follows. Because usually when someone is saying I’m smart, or observing just how smart I am, it’s usually followed by one of two things — how I’m squandering my potential, or their j...

As some of you may be aware, I’ve been without a car for like five and a half years now. My last car was totaled in a collision that occurred while I’d been in the middle of trying to get my feet back under myself after multiple rugs were pulled out from under me at once. Honestly don’t really want...

I need to be mindful of when SwiftKey “helps” on my Tags. I had a bunch that were capitalized for no reason. Fixed now, but irksome.

A set of copper gaming dice sitting on a black pouch on top of a wood surface A ladybug on the top of the side of a yellow plastic slide on a play structure Ants on some purple wildflowers A rock formation at the edge of a beach, seaweed on the smaller rocks at the water's edge and a lone seagull on top of the largest rock looking out over the water A cake shaped like an octopus sits on a white plate on top of a cooling rack and cutting board, behind it is a white pitcher, another cutting board, and some wine bottles A black cat pounces on a purple toy mouse in front of a bookcase, her food and water tray, and a scratching post A view from the east bay hills looks out toward the bay. Karl the Fog has half consumed the Golden Gate Bridge and is creeping past Alcatraz Looking up into the canopy of a tree with leaves that are red, orange, and gold A spider made of green and white beads hangs from the bottom of a paper lampshade Smith, the percussionist of BABYLAND, is framed by some metal pipes to the right as Dan, the singer, crouches on top of something, holding a microphone and looking right into the camera. The walls behind them are covered in graffiti

Going with the easy content option again, here’s another batch of calendar...