Death Kitten dot Net

I spend a lot of time in my head. A lack of car in the bay area—a place hostile to anyone wanting to use public transit outside the center of Oakland, SF, and San Jose—means I don’t go out a lot. When I do, I’m either at the mercy of catching a ride with someone who has different goals for the outin...

I <3 BABYLAND logo 1989–2009 drawn on the inside of a wrist Smith, the percussionist, sitting to the left of the picture behind a beat up black metal oil drum, tall metal poles or something in the center, and Dan, the singer, holding a microphone and a spray air freshener. On the wall behind them is a big sign that says NO STAGEDIVING surrounded by a lot of colorful graffiti An off-white teddy bear being held up in front of a graffiti covered wall A bright shower of sparks extend from the center of the picture and are largely pointed to the right, in the background is a human shaped blur illuminated by only the sparks, and some computer lights make a pattern from the long exposure and the jitter of the camera Smith, the percussionist playing a large brass instrument, probably a tuba? Surrounded by a metal oil drum and some pipes is a well worn black and yellow sticker that says TECHNOLOGY WORKS at the top and bottom, with four W arranged like a compass rose Smith, the percussionist, looking shocked as he holds a toy rotary saw against his arm near a scar. On the wall behind him are tshirts for sale, a red Bloodysnowman and a black BABYLAND one Dan, the singer, holding a green plush frog purse with his eyes closed and looking contenplative Smth, the percussionist, passionately providing supporting vocals to a song with a microphone that's suspended above his percussion station Dan, the singer, in profile as he wears a pink shirt, sprays an air freshener, and holds a microphone A half torn off Rock The Vote sticker on a blue plastic oil drum Metal pipes sit in the foreground as Smith lights a road flare with Dan standing to his side, the only light in the picture is the road flare

BABYLAND is one of my favorite...

w00t, got my font sorted out. Had some stupid where trying to apply css to someone else’s code meant I was getting some errors, but managed to suss out where the problem lie and get it close enough.

It would be really nice if the preview also used my custom css, so I could see my post in progress...

Playing with the Cover Template on the Twenty Twenty theme. Picture from a random excursion for Ingress purposes a while back.

Welp, WP pushed an update that came with a new theme that’s supposed to take advantage of the newer features of their system. So, gonna give this a go. We’ll see if I find enough focus to really play with tweaking it, but for now at least it’s purple. I need to spend a little time finding all the bi...

Used to be, I was constantly writing shit on my LiveJournal. Just whatever the fuck was on my mind. I’m sure a lot of it was shit, but it was a thing I did. And I followed other people who did the same, and they wrote awesome things or mundane things, and I enjoyed reading and commenting.

I mean,...

Wasting time on Pinterest takes too much of my time. I should probably stop doing it… but every once in a while I stumble across something pretty cool. This pin I’d come across before, but this time when I saw it, it started a ball rolling. TL;DR if you don’t want to click through: but US Naval tr...

Does Tyler deserve a second chance? #StarTrekDiscovery

— Star Trek on Paramount+ (@StarTrekOnPPlus) February 5, 2018

This question was intended to start twitter conversation, but it deserves so much more attention and care than Twitter would really allow. It’s...

A purple and yellow flower passion flower in front of leaves and buds Two purple and yellow passion flowers against a background of leaves with an unopened bud between them A side view of a purple and yellow passion flower, bathed in sunlight A purple and yellow passion flower with two partially opened buds in front of a brick wall A purple and yellow passion flower in shadow with an unopened bud, in front of a brick wall in full sunlight A side view of a purple and yellow passion flower with two partially open buds and leaves filling the background

So, I recently decided to re-purpose my domain for something roleplay related (project still in early progress, so no idea when it launches), which...

It started in #wordcount:

[09:07] Oh hey! I missed word day
[09:07] Sowhatwhocareswannafightaboutit

[09:08] pulls out her fountain pen and takes a fencing position
[09:08] I’ll fight you!

[09:08] Aw shit
[09:09] Bringitbringitbringit
[09:09] En garde...

First step was easy, grab the install image for the Pi via BitTorrent — it was well seeded, so I had that in no time flat. Next step was writing the image to the SD card, which I am ashamed to say was probably harder than it should have been; considering that I’ve been using one flavor of Linux or a...

Sunlight filtered through the tree as Ronan lay on the quad lawn with his textbook. An ant crawled along the spine and Ronan flicked it away before turning the page — smashed ant might further lower the value of the book when he sold it back at the end of the semester. A shadow fell across the book...

The space cowboy is orbiting Earth. It’s about hyper-surveillance. Word length: 400. #WriteMoreSciFi

SciFi Prompt Bot (@SciFiBotPrompt) March 28, 2017

The sun flooded through the observation port, blinding Maurice momentarily until he fumbled for the button that tinted the glass. Sunrise h...

The anarchist is in the wandering city. It’s about communication across huge distances. Word length: 1100. #WriteMoreSciFi

SciFi Prompt Bot (@SciFiBotPrompt) March 26, 2017

The sun sat high in the sky on the vernal equinox as Ronan stood in the shade of the Joshua tree. If he’d decoded the...

So, in my ever floundering efforts to try to and get myself writing more, I joined a Slack started by a Twitter friend that’s focused on writing. We chatter about all sorts of writing related things, and generally try to cheer on and help each other out. So far I’ve been less than pleased with my re...

So, as I mentioned in my last rambling, I bought a new computer. I went with System76, because I felt it was important to buy a machine that was sold as a Linux machine first and foremost. Partially because it meant I knew it wouldn’t take a lot of fussing to get working (and let’s face it, I’m a...

To the assholes who constantly roll ahead on their right hand turns without looking at the crosswalk first, then wave me along like they’re doing me a favor when they finally notice me glaring at them for trying to run me over? Fuck you. With a flaming broadsword.

So, I recently gave in and bought a new laptop. I was long overdue, my old one was seven and a half years old, a machine that had been a gift and was admitted by the gift giver to be the cheapest model in stock at the Best Buy on his way home from work on my birthday. Yeah. It was a Toshiba Satellit...

So, I’ve been a little quiet here lately. I had been overwhelmed by this toxic election cycle, and in the end, I did cast a vote for Hillary… not that it mattered much, since California always goes blue. I’ve been spending a lot of time on Twitter retweeting messages better phrased than mine, consid...

With all the hot topics being political lately, I’m having a hard time coming up with a topic that isn’t politics for this week. I don’t want this to turn into a political blog. Fuck knows, there’s a lot to say, a lot that needs doing, so if I wanted to make this a political blog, I certainly would...

When I got into the conversation with my boss recently about Clinton vs. Sanders, the thing that hit me the most as I pondered it afterwards as how firmly and repeatedly he was trying to give me the message that I needed to get in line, that all of Sanders supporters needed to get in line. Repeatedl...

One thing I hear a lot of people comment on is my choice to use colorful metaphor so frequently. The word fuck is not foreign to me, actually it’s probably one of the most comfortable to slide from my tongue because it’s so versatile — whole comedy routines have been written how multi-talented the w...

I run an online Star Trek RPG known as the USS Joshua Norton, and for those of you who aren’t familiar with this form of role play game, it’s pretty much a continuous work of collaborative writing. Like a Tabletop RPG, a game master (or rather the command team in this case) lays out a plot line fo...